
威廉·密里根(英語:WilliamMilligan,別名比利·密里根(簡稱「比利」),—2014年12月12日),於1977年因在俄亥俄州立大學犯下三宗強姦罪被警方逮捕。,In1977,22-year-oldBillyMilliganwasarrestedforthekidnapping,robbery,andrapeofthreewomenaroundtheOhioStatecampusarea.,William“Bill”,“BillyBoy”MilligandiedintheearlyhoursofDecember15thfromcomplicationsofCovidattheageof95.HepassedintheSomisValley ...,供應中評...


威廉·密里根(英語:William Milligan,別名比利·密里根(簡稱「比利」),—2014年12月12日),於1977年因在俄亥俄州立大學犯下三宗強姦罪被警方逮捕。

The True Story of Billy Milligan, the First Ever Defendant ...

In 1977, 22-year-old Billy Milligan was arrested for the kidnapping, robbery, and rape of three women around the Ohio State campus area.

William “Bill”, “Billy Boy” Milligan Obituary

William “Bill”, “Billy Boy” Milligan died in the early hours of December 15th from complications of Covid at the age of 95. He passed in the Somis Valley ...

The Minds of Billy Milligan

供應中 評分 4.6 (1,881) Billy Milligan was a man tormented by twenty-four distinct personalities battling for supremacy over his body—a battle that culminated when he awoke in jail, ...

Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan - Netflix

... Billy Milligan | The Many Faces | Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix In the late 1970s, an accused serial rapist claims multiple ...

The strange case of Billy Milligan's jigsaw psyche

William Milligan, according to psychiatrists, has 10 personalities, spawned by alleged physical and sexual abuse during childhood.

Billy Milligan dies at 59; first to use multiple personality defense

Billy Milligan, an Ohio man believed to be the first person to use multiple personality disorder in an insanity defense, has died. He was 59.

Watch Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan

In the late 1970s, an accused serial rapist claims multiple personalities control his behavior, setting off a legal odyssey that captivates America.

Billy Milligan

William Stanley Milligan (February 14, 1955 – December 12, 2014), also known as The Campus Rapist, was an American man who was the subject of a highly ... The Minds of Billy Milligan · Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces... · Technophilia

Billy Milligan

On December 4, 1978, Billy Milligan became the first defendant found not guilty by reason of insanity due to multiple personality disorder.